Appliances Brands Direction

Appliances Brands Direction

One thing consumers often struggle with when shopping for appliances is choosing the brand. After all, this is a big purchase that requires careful thought, so you can never be too careful. Moreover, different brands fit different consumer lifestyles and profiles, so focusing on the brand’s story, classification, and other aspects will significantly help you choose the right appliance.

Let’s start with the key elements of brand equity and why it’s important.

Elements of Brand Equity

Brand equity refers to the brand’s value and how recognized it is. It is, in fact, the opinions consumers have about the brand that add to its value and show how the brand is perceived by the public.

Here and the 7 key brand equity elements:

  • Awareness (how much the target consumers are familiar with the brand identity, logo, name, and products)
  • Differentiation (how different the brand is from the competition and whether it stands out)
  • Energy (whether the company focuses on innovation)
  • Flexibility (how consumers react to the development of related products under the same brand)
  • Loyalty (how loyal the customers are and what would make them switch to another brand)
  • Relevance (how important and valuable the brand is in the eyes of the customers)
  • Reputation (the perception of the brand; whether people think it’s valuable and whether the products are considered high-quality)

Brand Story

Next, we’ll take a look at the company's brand story. While some equate this to the company’s history, it is, in fact, much bigger than that. The brand story is a combination of the brand’s history and the memorable moments along the road to success. It’s a story that has specific information about what makes the brand unique and it can refer to the quality of the products, the in-store experience, the values of the company, etc.

Brand Classifications

There are key differences when it comes to the types of brands, and the following categories are the most common:

  • Mass brands aim to appeal to a larger client base instead of specific target groups. They generally sell larger quantities of products at lower costs.
  • Luxury brands have their own status to which no other brand can compare. The higher the cost of the product, the more the desire to own it increases for the few who can afford it. Luxury brands often have a limit to the volume of sales.
  • Premium brands, on the other hand, have an over-average price for their products and generally sell larger quantities of products. Premium brands are distinguished by their use of good-quality materials, excellent service, and good customer service, among other things.

Design vs Practicality

There’s a fine balance between practicality and design, and if you want to purchase appliances that will make a fine addition to your space and last for years to come, you need to focus on both. However, when it comes to appliances, practicality must take the front seat because the products need to do the task they’re purchased to do. The design, on the other hand, takes the back seat, but shouldn’t be neglected as appliances need to fit seamlessly in a space.

How Are Brands Trying to Reach Their Customers?

Companies always want to increase their customer base, even if they have a clear brand identity and a pool of loyal customers. Let’s see the most effective ways of doing this, most of which include interacting with their customer base.

Informing and Educating the Audience

Brands nowadays have to put a lot more effort into building trust with potential clients and nurturing leads. The easiest way to achieve this is by educating and informing their audience through website and social media content.

As a customer, this gives you additional information about the products or services you might be interested in, which makes deciding between brands much easier.

To stay relevant in the market, retain their customers, and acquire new ones, companies need to be aware of the current climate in the furniture market. They need to know the current trends and how the market is changing in order to adapt to the changes. Furthermore, companies that want to create a brand that will stand the test of time must be innovative. They need to be able to predict certain market changes and improve their products as the needs of the customers change.

Personalized Marketing

Most brands nowadays personalize their marketing efforts to target their demographic. Brands do a lot of research to determine what you as a customer want from the appliance, whether that’s quality, extra features, a specific design, or a multifunctional product. By learning more about all these variables, they can target you as an ideal customer and give you exactly what you need, which ends up being a win-win situation.

Local SEO

After SEO took the world by storm and a lot of companies started leveraging it to get to their target demographic, it became more difficult for newer companies to find new leads. As a result, smaller businesses turned to local SEO and marketing tools, such as Google My Business. This free marketing tool that’s constantly being updated enables companies to reach more customers from their local area, faster.

If you want to find out more about a brand you’re interested in, it’s a good idea to start on Google My Business. There, you can read more detailed product descriptions and see premium offers, and learn more about the quality of a brand’s products before purchasing them by reading the customer reviews.

Final Thoughts

As you’ve probably figured out, there’s a lot to take into consideration when choosing which appliances to include in your interior design. In the end, it’s best to first focus on the brand equity and reputation, and then think about the practicality and the design of the appliance. Great brands will have glowing customer reviews and that’s how you’ll distinguish them from the others.