Why are renovations painful?

Why are renovations painful?

You've been thinking about a home remodel for a while. Adding another room to the house would let you stretch tight living space. Perhaps your plans are smaller. You want to update the kitchen with the latest smart technology or give the bath a stylish new look.

Size matters when remodeling ideas grow into reality. However, large and small home improvement dreams share one reality. They both can quickly turn into a renovation nightmare.

Most homeowners are caught off guard by all the factors that come into play. You don't want it to happen to you. How do you avoid the headaches of a property remodeling job? Let's take a good look before you make the leap.

7 Reasons Why Home Renovations Are Hard

Considering everything that's involved in a residential renovation, it's no surprise when something eventually goes wrong. That doesn't mean you can't navigate home improvements like a pro.

When you understand the big picture, you have better control of the project. There are actually several apps for that, but let's start with the basics.

1. It's Your First Time

Your remodeling job experience is limited. You know what you want, but that opens the door to a flood of details. From figuring out the cost of materials to hiring the best contractor, it all seems overwhelming.

If you aren't armed with solid information and ready with a game plan, a simple renovation spins out of control. Take a deep breath. Make the first time easier by looking into project management software before you green-light the process.

2. Schedules Get Complicated

How hard can it be to work up a schedule for residential renovations? Ask an experienced contractor. He or she will point out multiple factors that have to be considered, including:

  • Initial remodel planning and consultation
  • Design development and confirmation
  • Obtaining permits when needed
  • Decisions made on materials
  • Coordinating different trades
  • Pre-construction property prep
  • Tear-outs and demolition work
  • Plumbing and electrical modifications
  • Framing, drywall and flooring installation
  • Project detailing and final site cleanup

Even the best remodeling timelines need built-in flexibility, and that complicates scheduling the project. You have to adjust everyday routines at the house too, especially if you're working from home.

3. Renovations Are Expensive

Renovation jobs require rethinking the cost of everything from paint and trim to wall tear-outs and structural modifications. It's tempting to go with average figures and trust a general estimate.

That strategy can dent the budget. You want to know exactly what you're spending on materials. You want an accurate overview of labor costs. Factor in room for error, and a remodel still adds up to an expensive undertaking.

4. You're Making Multiple Decisions

Every step in the remodeling process comes with decisions that need to be made in advance. Once your home renovation becomes a work in progress, you still have to call multiple shots.

For example, there may have been a misunderstanding about the cost of the flooring you picked out. Should you compromise and go with a lower-priced alternative? If a contractor suggests a change order that saves time, will it impact the quality of the work?

Smart apps, such as budget estimators, can be a big help when you're working through big spending decisions. They often include software that makes it easier to juggle ever-changing schedules too. Take advantage of application packages that take the work out of managing renovations and remodels.

5. Contractors Know More Than You Do

You're ready to move forward with home remodeling. You want to hire a contractor with a proven track record. You don't want someone who might take advantage of your inexperience with renovation projects. Transparency is key.

The right contractor knows more than you do, but he or she also keeps all lines of communication open. Your questions get straightforward answers. When you ask for clarification, the contractor doesn't hesitate to explain the details.

How do you connect with a remodeling business you can trust?

Check independent reviews. Follow up with an online search for contractors near you. Sites that specialize in renovation project management software are also an excellent source for candidates. You want to hire with confidence, so use every resource available to narrow the search.

6. Not All Estimates Are Equal

You dig deep into estimates, looking for the best price for your job's overall cost. However, the discrepancies in different bids don't always make sense. One contractor's quote is much higher than expected. Another company comes in with numbers that seem too low.

Talk to each contractor. Ask about the specifics used to finalize their quotes. The company with a higher bid may plan on using subcontractors for part of the work. This adds to the expense, but it can shorten the project completion timeline.

A low estimate could reflect the lower overhead of a small company. The contractor might have innovative strategies for streamlining schedules and holding down costs. A business that shares this kind of information demonstrates the transparency you expect from a reputable remodeling contractor.

7. Imagination and Reality Can Collide

It's only natural to imagine a property remodel as a homeowner's dream come true. You'll finally have that extra space you want so badly. The kitchen will fulfill its destiny as the heart of the house.

It'll happen, but getting there can take longer and cost more than you think. You have to adjust to living with the mess of an ongoing remodeling job. You need to be prepared.

Expect the unexpected, be ready to deal with contingencies, and hold on to that vision. When the dust settles, imagination and renovation reality finally do come together.

You Don't Have to Do It All

Whether it's your first time or you're a seasoned veteran, home renovations are always challenging. Give yourself the help you deserve with software that puts you in charge of project management.

Take a look at our products. Our apps let you consolidate decisions, take control of the budget and even find the best remodeling contractor near you.

It's our mission to take the pain out of residential renovations. You don't have to do it all by yourself. We're here to help turn your remodeling dreams into realities.